
An established business specialising in translation and interpreting services, based in the UK with international reach. Although the business has moved with the times the branding had not. They also had a unique approach that was lost in their communications. They avoid algorthymns and use people from the country of the dialect to translate and interpret. They believe keeping it human brings the best results.

Simply put, our brief was to get to truly understand the business and get to grips with the industry as a whole. Once we listened and learnt we’d be in position to create a brand that was both contemporary and trustworthy. One that wasn’t afraid to stand apart from it’s competitors. Get rid of the old and launch the new!

A distinctive website that gets to the point and ensures user journey is clear. A happy mix of personality and direct messaging that points the audience to the service that they require (and educates them to others that they weren’t aware of).

“We are really pleased with the re-branding of AaGlobal. It was a very thorough process and Big Helping were communicative throughout it all. They offered a wide range of creative concepts at every stage and we are now equipped with a bank of messaging and visuals to attract new clients.”