They have been offering luxury world class health assessments for many years. Well respected and well loved by those ‘who know’. But more competitors have entered the market and it’s now even more important that their USPs are clear, understood and most importantly noticed! Working closely with their management and marketing team Big Helping has developed a brand that looks to engage with it’s desired audience rather than lecturing them.
The Brief
Their logo had been developed already but beyond that there was plenty of opportunity to bring the brand to life. We are often tasked at developing totally new look and feels but in this case we enjoyed building a far wider brand toolkit around a few existing elements. From signage and socials through to branded animations within their MRI scanner! The challenge was to present them as cutting edge and clinically excellent whilst retaining an emotional connection.
The Process
We started off helping on a few smaller jobs at first and in time we worked on more wide reaching projects such as a comprehensive brand playbook. In this we ensured each element of the brand was understood and more importantly we explored how they could be brought together in engaging and memorable ways. Looking at a simple set of gradient textures that add depth and a sense of luxury to communications one day, and a new web design and build the next.
We created three distinct lenses, the team, the clinic and atmospheric. The latter helps create the right mood when a specific narrative doesn’t have an appropriate image.
Luxury body parts?
It was clear early on in the project that we would need to depict body parts. We developed an illustrative style that lived within the brand aesthetic.
Reports you want to read
A large part of the work we do for Preventicum is on reports (online and printed). We endeavour to build a sense of pace within these and ensure key points land and stick.
There are times were simple clean
design is the right approach.
Luxury signage and wayfinding
The clinic had a full facelift and the signage
needed a complete redesign.
Instructional animations
These MRI Scanner animations were created in brand style but with clear directions for the patient being paramount.
Online world
We developed a new website that better presented the Preventicum of today and was flexible enough to grow and flex for the Preventicum of tomorrow.
The Result
“Big Helping is the only agency I would partner with and confidently recommend. Over the past ten years, I have worked with the team on many projects including corporate rebrands, creative briefs, website production and advertising. Big Helping adds their enviable flair to all the work they produce, whilst respecting the client’s creative boundaries! The team get as excited as we do about new projects and they are an integral part of our business.”
Gemma Frenchman
Managing Director
Let’s tell your story
and sell your services.